How to Raise Goats in Deer Park, Washington

Raising goats has many advantages: they can produce up to a gallon of milk per day, be butchered for meat, or the offspring can be sold for profit. Raising goats in Deer Park, Washington, is similar to other regions, but a few weather considerations must me addressed. It gets very hot in the summer and extremely cold during the winter, so it is important to understand how to properly breed, feed, fence-in and shelter your goats.

Things You'll Need

  • Building materials for goat house
  • Fencing
  • Hay
  • Grain
  • Mineral mix
  • Automatic watering machine
  • Heater
  • Vaccinations
  • Hoof trimming tools
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      Build a goat house. Goats need shelter from the wind, rain, snow and sun. The winters in Washington state can get very cold and snow can get really deep. Three walls are required, but having a fourth wall is preferred. The additional wall provides the goats with an enclosure and extra shelter during the cold winters. It is recommended the goat house be built to accommodate 16 square feet for each adult goat. Build the goat house facing south to shelter the goats from winter winds. Also, build a feeding trough and leave an area for an automatic watering machine.

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      Build a durable goat fence. Goats are notorious escape artists. It is imperative to build a quality fence because goats can jump over, wiggle through, and kick down a shoddy fence. Fencing must be at least 5 feet high. Posts must be securely set into the ground. Choose a quality fencing material. Welded metal with no more than 6 inches between stays provides enough durability for holding goats. If electric fencing is installed, string the electric fence above the ground at 10 inches, 20 inches, 40 inches and 60 inches. Commercial goat fencing is available, but expensive.

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      Feed hay and recommended goat grain to the goats to supplement their grazing. Goats do not require expensive hay. In fact, they can can thrive on the cheaper hays available. Local feed stores offer a recommended goat grain and mineral mix that can be added to the feeding trough. An automatic watering machine is invaluable because of its efficiency and low maintenance.

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      Understand the breeding patterns. Female goats can be bred as soon as six months of age or when they reach 60 pounds. In Washington state, goats will go into heat between September and March. Estrus takes one to three days and the goats have up to 21 days between heats. Pregnancy typically lasts for 150 days. Does usually produce two to three offspring a year.

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      Maintain and care for the goats. Keep the goat house clean and give the goats fresh hay to lay in. Keep medical vaccines and treatments on hand. Periodic hoof trimming may be necessary. Check to make sure the automatic water machine is clean and operating properly. Install a water heater to prevent the drinking water from freezing during the winter months.