Plant parsley among the grass that the goats normally forage on. This will enable them to eat parsley as they feel they need it.
Clip fresh parsley from a plant or purchase it fresh from a store and include a handful in your goats' next feeding. You can add it to their commercial feed, to hay or to any kitchen scraps you feed.
Hold a handful out for the goats to nibble straight from your hand. Offer it straight once or twice a week.
How to Feed a Goat Parsley
Parsley is not just for garnish on your dinner plate. Your goats, as well as other animals, can benefit from a handful of parsley as part of their normal diet. Parsley aids in digestion and is often included as part of herbal wormers for ruminant animals. Parsley has also been credited with curing foot-rot in sheep and goats. Although parsley is native to the Mediterranean region, it is grown often in America as an annual.