How to Get Goat Milk

The easy way to get goat milk is to buy your desired amount from a local merchant, but if you want the goat milk as fresh as it gets, you will have to milk the goat. One of the main reasons goat owners have goats is that the milk is nutritious and has many beneficial health qualities. Milking a goat can be strenuous on your hands and forearms, even after you have mastered it. The average goat's udder has two teats, each with one orifice that acts as the "gateway" to the milk.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket or other container
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    • 1

      Wash the udder and your hands; dry completely before beginning. Grasp the teat where it connects to the udder. Grip it between your straight thumb and the lowest knuckle on your forefinger.

    • 2

      Pinch the teat to keep the milk that has entered the teat from going back into the reservoir of the udder.

    • 3

      Use the remaining four fingers to apply a downward pressure on the teat, making the milk stored inside the teat exit out of the orifice, into a bucket or other container.

    • 4

      Release the tight grasp between your straight thumb and forefinger to let the teat fill up with more milk and repeat the process until you have milked the goat completely and the udder is empty.