How to Hold a Goat to Trim Its Hooves

Looking after the health of your goat includes not just feeding and watering it, but also trimming its hooves. The side walls of the hooves grow fast and are worn down naturally by rocks or trimming. Cutting the excess hoof away ensures the feet won't have debris that may lead to infection. It also keeps the animal clean and more comfortable. How to hold your goat while trimming its hooves is important to know before you try it on your own.

Things You'll Need

  • Milk stand or fenced off area
  • Food
  • Rope
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    • 1

      Catch the goat and lead it to a milk stand or fenced off area. Entice it by using food or leading it by its collar.

    • 2

      Secure the goat in a fenced off area to prevent it from running away. Use rope to harness the goat to one corner. This will give you control of its positioning.

    • 3

      Stand next to the hoof you need to trim.

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      Lean your weight lightly against the goat to keep it from moving quickly. Push the goat against the side of the fence while pushing its head forward to stop it from rearing toward you.

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      Place your hand on the hoof you want to trim and pull it back toward you. Continue to restrain the goat with your weight.

    • 6

      Pick up the hoof with the opposite hand you want to cut the hoof with. If you can, grip its knee lightly between your knees. Although the position is unnatural, it will ensure you have best access to the foot and secure the goat's movements.