Things You'll Need
- Plastic bucket or tub
- Length of plastic cord
- Scissors
Find a plastic bucket or tub that is a suitable size for your goat. Place it on the floor and make sure the goat can fit its head inside. The bucket should be no taller than your knee, so that the goat will not have difficulty reaching the bottom.
Wash the tub or bucket thoroughly. Make sure there are no traces of dirt inside that may contaminate the goat's feed or water.
Position the bucket next to a metal fence or barrier in the feeding area of your garden or farm.
Cut two lengths of plastic cord long enough to reach around the bucket and tie it to the fence. Use one cord at the top of the bucket and one at the base.
Loop the cords around the bucket and tie them securely to the metal fencing. Allow a little give in the loop so that you can lift the bucket out for washing and put it back without having to retie the knots.