How to Increase a Goat's Milk Supply

A multitude of factors can influence the aim of increased milk supply of goat does. The two most important, and inextricably linked, general factors are health and feeding. The optimal environment is required to support the optimum milk supply.

Things You'll Need

  • Vitamin/protein/mineral goat supplement
  • Deworming tablets
  • Alfafa hay
  • Grain mixture
  • Live yeast cultures
  • Feed additiive
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  1. Health

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      Deworm your goats regularly. Three times a year should be sufficient; however, perform regular fecal examinnations to identify specific parasites.

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      Provide a specially formulated nutritional supplement for goats that includes extra vitamins, proteins and minerals to ensure the does are in good condition.

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      Observe the goats' behavior daily. Notice any irregularities, such as in appetite, coat, swellings and movement.


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      Ensure your goats have access to clean, cold, fresh water at all times.

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      Provide a high quality hay such as alfafa. The high calcium content of alfafa makes it suitable for increasing the milk supply. Other suitable hay varieties include annual ryegrass, bermudagrass, fescue and orchardgrass.

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      Feed each goat 2 to 3 lb. of grain mix a day, including oat and barley supplements. Note that oat supplements, while increasing yield, will decrease milk fat. Beet pulp can also be added to increase supply but should only be used as a booster and not as part of the daily mix.

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      Increased grain intake will produce more milk but can also cause acidosis. Add live yeast cultures to the feed to combat this.

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      Aid efficient digestion by providing high levels of fiber in the forage. The fiber encourages rumination(chewing), which establishes the microflora populations needed for optimal digestion.

    Environment and Other Factors

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      Don't overcrowd. Rather than cramming your facility to capacity, fill it with the optimum number of goats, providing 10 to 15 square feet per adult goat.

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      Remove feces and replace straw regularly to keep the enclosures clean.

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      Wet your hands with warm water before milking to stimulate reflexes and get more milk from the doe you are milking. Milking stimuli release the hormone oxytocin, which begins a process known as milk let-down. During let-down muscles compress the alveoli and force milk into the teat cistern, making it easier to milk.