How to Mix Corn Syrup & Hay for Feeding Goats

There are many reasons for adding corn syrup to hay for goats. During pregnancy or when the young are beginning to eat for themselves, it provides extra energy and calories, and it's commonly fed during the winter to help goats build up a layer of fat to keep them warm. It can also be offered to frail or ill goats, as it is much more filling than hay alone. It is possible to buy premixed hay and corn syrup mixtures, but these tend to be much more expensive than making your own, which is quick and easy to do.

Things You'll Need

  • Two gallon bucket
  • Hay rack
  • One gallon of hot water
  • Two cups of corn syrup
  • Hay bale
  • Large spoon
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    • 1

      Pour one gallon of hot water into the bucket.

    • 2

      Add the corn syrup, and mix well. Corn syrup is quite heavy compared to water, and will settle to the bottom of the bucket. Use a large mixing spoon to prevent separation.

    • 3

      Split the hay bale. Usually, bales are pre-split into ten flecks.

    • 4

      Pour two cups of the hot water and corn syrup mix over the hay. Pour slowly to allow the mixture to coat the hay and be absorbed. Pouring too quickly will cause the mixture to pour through the hay and onto the floor.

    • 5

      Put the hay into a hay rack or trough to prevent spillage or waste.