How Do I Use Tree Leaves to Supplement a Meat Goat's Diet?

Adding leaves to a meat goat's feed is a way to supplement the diet and to introduce variations in the food supply. There are many different plants that goats enjoy browsing on including mulberry and persimmon leaves. Before looking for plants that you would like to feed to your goats, familiarize yourself with the poisonous plants in your area. Although it may seem that a goat eats everything, some plants are not good for them.

Some leaves to avoid include pine, lupine, peach, goat weed and laurel. Some plants, such as oak, have mixed reviews. While the College of Agriculture &Life Sciences lists oak as an edible food source in their article "Matching Forages to the Nutrient needs of Meat Goats," Cornell University lists it as a plant to avoid in their article "Toxic Plants and the Common Caprine." Consult your veterinarian if you are unsure what plants are edible for meat goats in your area.

Things You'll Need

  • Pruning shears
  • Wood saw
  • Gloves
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      Cut the branches, limbs and twigs of trees and bushes with your pruning shears or wood saw. Choose branches that have plenty of leaves. Wear gloves when handling cutting equipment and packing bundles of branches with thorns on them. Goats do not mind plants with thorns and prickles.

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      Scatter the branches around your goat pen so the goats can spread out while they eat. Bring enough branches with leaves on them so that there is enough for all of your goats.

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      Observe your goats while they eat the leaves. Some leaves may not be as enjoyable to your goats as others and you can save yourself some time by not gathering these next time.