How do I Neuter a Buckling?

Neutering a buckling, a young male goat, can be accomplished with a set of Burdizzos when the kid is about 8 to 12 weeks old. Young animals are easier to handle, and heal more quickly, than older animals. A neutered goat is called a wether and once the procedure is done he will not develop sexually. Neutering can be done if you intend to keep the wether for a pet, a 4-H project or to raise for meat. Wethers can be kept together and with the rest of the herd without fear of unwanted fighting or breeding.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 people
  • Table or hay bale
  • Sacks or newspaper
  • Burdizzo
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  1. Restraining the Buckling---Person One

    • 1

      Cover the table or work area with sacks or newspapers. Person one will restrain the goat from behind.

    • 2

      Sit the kid on his hindquarters facing away from person one.

    • 3

      Wrap your arms around the kid. Grasp his front legs, just below the knees, bending them so they can tuck around the hind legs. In each hand you will be holding a front leg and hind leg from the same side.

    • 4

      Pull the hind legs towards you so the testicles are easily accessible for person two.

    Neutering the Buckling---Person Two

    • 5

      Use your hand to feel through the scrotum to find the testicular cords.

    • 6

      Hold the Burdizzo in one hand and the use the other hand to push one of the cords between the jaws. Squeeze hard. You will probably hear a crunching sound. Count to 25.

    • 7

      Move the testicle to be sure the cord is disconnected. Open and close the jaws over the same area one more time.

    • 8

      Switch hands and repeat the procedure on the other side.