Can Wire Fencing Be Electrified to Keep Goats In?

Goats have a tendency to jump over or crawl under anything in their way, so they are difficult to contain within a fence. Although wire fencing can be electrified to keep goats in, you should follow certain guidelines in order to minimize potential problems.
  1. Significance

    • Using a well-constructed and properly grounded electrified wire fence to keep your goats in is a low-cost containment option that can maximize your fence's lifespan while minimizing predator problems.


    • The two most common types of wire fence to electrify are smooth high-tensile electric wire (usually 12-1/2 inch gauge) and polywire (an electric wire constructed of plastic and wire strands wrapped together).


    • When constructing an electric wire fence for your goats, Gail Damerow, author of "Your Goats," suggests you use at least seven wires. Charge the odd-numbered wires and ground the even-numbered wires to maximize the grounding system of your fence.


    • If you already have an existing, nonelectrified fence in place (often woven wire), you can run two off-set, electrified wires along the inside perimeter of your fence, which will prolong the life of your fence because it keeps your goats from rubbing against it and weakening it.


    • Never electrify barbed wire fence to keep your goats in. If your goat gets tangled in the charged barbed wire fence, he will thrash and kick each time he gets shocked, which will result in severe, even life-threatening, wounds and gashes from the sharp barbs.