The Stages of Pygmy Goat Pregnancy

The typical gestation time for a pygmy goat is 21 weeks. Though kids develop at different rates, there are some basic milestones in pygmy goat fetal development.
  1. 30 Days

    • At four weeks gestation, the fetus is less than 1/2-inch in size. On a sonogram, the kid's facial features and small stumps where the legs will form are visible.

    45 Days

    • Only fifteen short days later, the kid is about 1-inch longer and weighs approximately 1/4-ounce. The goat has eyelids by this point. Its legs and developing neck have grown longer.

    75 Days

    • A great deal of growth occurs during the next stage, and by this point it weighs 4 ounces and is 2 1/2 inches long. The kid's first hairs have sprouted around its eyes and mouth.

    105 Days

    • One month later, the fetus is 18 ounces and over 3 inches long. Formative hairs are now growing all over its body.

    120 Days

    • At four months, the kid weights 2 lbs. and is 6 inches long. Its fur coat has finished growing, and its legs are fully developed.

    147 Days

    • Just before birth, the baby goat weighs up to 4 lbs. Its organ systems are mature and its teeth have erupted from gums.