How to Select Milk Goats

When selecting a goat, consider the 6 varieties of goat recognized by the American Dairy Goat Association: Nubians, LaManchas, Alpines, Oberhaslis, Togenburgs and Saanens. Consider what your needs will be so that you select the one best suited to you. For instance, if you wish to produce milk in large volumes, you may prefer a goat like a Toggenburg, or if you need a good breeding goat, a Nigerian Dwarf may be for you.

Things You'll Need

  • milk, goat
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      Decide the type of milk products you wish your goat to produce. For example, if you wish to produce cheese, yogurt, ice cream and soap, select a Nubian or LaMancha goat. The milk from these goats has high butterfat and protein content, ideal for those products. Nubians are also strong, muscular goats, which gives them the secondary function of meat production.

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      Consider if your goat will also be a pet, as in an urban farming situation. The Nigerian Dwarf goat is a good choice due to its sweet disposition. These goats are also great for breeding and will produce 2 quarts of butterfat milk per day.

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      Decide how much milk you wish to produce. Alpine goats are popular with dairies due to their milk output. One American Alpine goat produced 4,400 lbs. of milk in 297 days. Alpines are adaptable to a variety of climate. If you select an Alpine, be prepared to construct sturdy fencing, as this type of goat is known for its ability to escape.

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      Consider the climate in which you live. Toggenburg goats originally come from Sweden and so need a cooler climate. Select a Toggenburg if you want an affectionate, medium to large goat. Also note that Toggs are liable to skip a breeding period, lactating all year long, producing a large volume of sweet milk.

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      Select a Saanen goat if you need up to 2,000 lbs. of milk per year. These goats may also be a good choice for the mountaineering dairy farmer, as they can carry up to a 60 lbs. over rocky, mountainous terrain.