How to Treat Goat Scours

If your goat suddenly has scours (diarrhea), it needs immediate attention. Scours is generally a digestive problem and could be caused by infections and parasites. Non-infectious causes can be overfeeding, indigestion, lactic acidosis, copper deficiency and intoxications. Scours can be fatal, as it causes of dehydration, weakness and sudden death. Act quickly. As with any kind of potentially fatal situation, consult your veterinarian.

Things You'll Need

  • Pepto Bismol
  • Pedialyte
  • Bar-Guard-99
  • Goat serum concentrate
  • Probios gel
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    • 1

      Pull all of the goats feed--no hay or grain.

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      Administer Probios Gel (based on recommended dose) if caught right away. Probios Gel balances good bacteria and can be used to correct a problem if caught right away.

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      Remove the milk replacer, if the kid is still using one.

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      Mix a few cc's of Pepto Bismol and Pedialyte and give to the goat.

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      Wash bottles and nipples thoroughly after each use.

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      Do not reintroduce any milk or feed until the diarrhea stops.

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      Reintroduce milk and feed slowly.

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      Reduce the strength of the replacer, increasing each day.

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      If the goat has a relapse, start over again.

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      You must try to “dry” up the goat, which can survive without milk for two weeks but scours can cause death in days.