How to Train a Goat

Even though goats are born wild and may want to jump and run all day, there are ways to get them calmed down and ready to be a part of the farm. Knowing how to approach a goat and making sure that they become trained, can help you with keeping them calm and getting them milked every day.

Things You'll Need

  • Collar or harness
  • Leash
  • Sweet corn or a treat
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      Get them when they are young. If you have a choice, it's better to start training your goats when they are still kids. They will not be as stubborn and will have the ability to adjust to you easier. The best time to start training a goat is right after they are weaned from their mother.

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      Let your goat recognize you. Before you are able to tame a goat of any age, they will need to get used to your presence. Instead of just feeding your goats, make sure that you spend time with them as well. Every goat will enjoy a good scratch behind the ears. The more you do this, the calmer they will be and the easier it will be to train them.

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      Start with a walk. After a goat gets used to you, the next step is to start them with the simple things. You will want to get a collar that fits around the neck of your goat. For some, they will also use a leash. You can take your goat out of the pen and walk with them around various areas. If they jump, try to run or start acting up, tug back on the collar or leash right under their chin. This will seem like a threat to them and will make them stop.

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      Reward your goat. After you have walked your goat, reward them with something that they love. Things like sweet corn or a healthy treat will let them know that by them walking with you, they have achieved something good. When you come out with the leash the next day, they will be ready to go.

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      Find actions for other training concepts. After your goat starts getting used to this, you can begin to train them in other ways. All you will need to do is show them the actions to do, then reward them for it. For example, if you want your goat to sit, come up with an action for them to sit, while pushing their back end down. Once they do, reward them with a treat.