How to Treat mastitis in a goat

When mastitis is detected in a goat through reliable tests or by visual means, treatment must follow, as in severe cases of mastitis the goat may succumb to death through systemic infection including staph, strep and other bacterium. Until an infected goat is bacteria-free, its milk should not be used but discarded, as bacterium will be present and is unfit for consumption. Milk may look lumpy, thin, stringy or watery; yield will be reduced. Udder may look swollen and red with blood present in the milk. The infected goat will act as if it's in pain and will be depressed and not playful.

Things You'll Need

  • Hot packs
  • Teat infusion cannula (hollow tube)
  • Antibiotic teat infusions
  • Antibiotics
  • Sterile syringes
  • Goat serum concentrate
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      Apply hot-packs to the goat's udder twice a day. Leave on for at least 10 mnutes. Massage udder with your fingers to improve circulation within the udder. Keep the udder very clean and sanitary at all times.

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      Follow directions on teat infusions as this will destroy some of the bacteria from within to enable the goat to be productive once more. Goat serum concentrate (10cc) may be injected subcutaneously (just below skin--not in the muscle) for two days.

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      Inject antibiotics intra-muscularly (into the muscle) as per directions for your goat's weight. Noticable reduction of swelling will be seen within a few days. The caprine (goat) will start to feel better and her depression will lift. Test for mastitis after one week with commercially available test strips. Keep testing weekly. After caprine is mastitis-free her milk may be used for consumption once again.

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      Prevent goats from contracting mastitis, by keeping milking area and barn scrupulously clean and free of sharp objects. Always wash the goat's udders before and after milking and always milk gently. Do not be rough on the goat. Test regularly for mastitis as the earlier it's detected, the better the goat's chance of recovery. Use strip-cups for visual back-up.