How to Identify Goat Breeds

First domesticated nearly 10,000 years ago, goats are one of the most popular domesticated animals. With their wide-ranging appetites, goats have set themselves apart from the pack of other barnyard animals. However, telling one breed of goat apart from another can be a bit tricky. Here are some tips to help you with this process.


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      Know that there are six general breeds of goat. These are the Nubian, Alpine, Saanens, Toggenburgs, La Mancha and Oberhasli breeds.

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      Check for these characteristics of the most popular breed, the Nubian: solid brown coloring, wide, droopy ears and a large body.

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      Check for these characteristics of the Alpine breed: a black or brown and white coat (colors will vary widely), erect ears and a curved nose.

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      Check for these characteristics of the Saanens breed: all-white fur, forward-facing ears and a friendly demeanor.

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      Check for these characteristics of the Toggenburgs breed: a brown coat and white markings on the head and hind quarters.

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      Check for these characteristics of the easily recognizable La Mancha breed: very short ears, white markings on front of the head and forelegs and a solid build.

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      Check for these characteristics of the Oberhasli breed: a reddish-brown coat and black stripes on the nose and head.