How to Run a Goat Farm

A goat farm is a daily business-you won't get holidays or weekends off. But you will get the opportunity to be outdoors and enjoy working with animals. If you're prepared to put in the hard work, a goat farm may be a good choice for you.

Things You'll Need

  • Fencing
  • Three-sided shelter
  • Hay
  • Water
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    • 1

      Decide why you want to run a goat farm. You can raise goats for milk, cheese or meat. You can also breed goats or raise show goats.

    • 2

      Choose the breed of goat you will have on your goat farm. The breed will depend on what you want to do with the goats.

    • 3

      Erect a fence for you goats. The fence must be sturdy enough to keep out dogs and wild animals.

    • 4

      Build a shelter for your goats. Create a three-sided structure that lets some air pass through and keeps the rain out.

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      Keep the goat pen and shelter as clean as possible to help reduce disease.

    • 6

      Feed the goats clean hay stored in air-tight containers. Keep the hay off the ground when feeding it to the goats and make sure the kids can't play in the container.

    • 7

      Change the water often and keep the water container clean. Goats won't drink dirty water or drink from a dirty container.

    • 8

      Find a good veterinarian to manage your goats' health. A regular cat and dog vet won't do; select a vet who is knowledgeable about goats.