How to Give a Goat a Shot

Caring for a large herd of goats can be expensive and having to call a vet to give every vaccination can run even a well off farmer into bankruptcy. Knowing how to give your goat a shot is something every goat owner should know. Not only does it save money, but it can also prevent a great deal of heartache and hassle if your goat gets hurt or sick.

Things You'll Need

  • Vaccine or medication
  • Alcohol or Betadine
  • Cotton balls
  • Syringe and needle
  • Antiseptic soap
  • Collar and leash
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  1. Preparing the Shot

    • 1

      Check the label on the vaccination or medication bottle to verify it is in fact the one you want to give your goat. Double-check the expiration date, make sure there is nothing floating in the bottle and that the drug is not discolored.

    • 2

      Wash your hands with antiseptic soap before handling the needle and syringe.

    • 3

      Use a cotton ball dipped in alcohol to wipe off the rubber top of the vaccination or medication bottle. This is where you will insert your needle into the bottle and you want to be absolutely sure the area is sterile.

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      Check to make sure the needle is tightly secured to the syringe before you remove its protective cap.

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      Remove the needle's plastic, protective cap. Be very careful not to touch the needle.

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      Push the plunger all the way down and insert the needle through the rubber top of the bottle. With the needle still in the vial, turn both the bottle and syringe upside down.

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      Pull the plunger slowly back to draw the medication or vaccine into the syringe. Do this slowly, so you can carefully monitor the dosage.

    • 8

      Turn the bottle and syringe sideways, as though they where lying flat on a tabletop and carefully remove the needle from the vial.

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      Point the syringe straight up and check it for air bubbles. Gently tap the side of the syringe and watch to see if any air bubbles rise toward the needle. Slowly push the plunger in, just a little bit, to force any air bubbles out of the syringe.

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      Confirm that you have the correct dosage.

    Giving the Shot

    • 11

      Place a collar around your goat's neck and secure a leash to the collar. Have someone hold your goat while you give her the shot. If you have a milking stand put your goat in the milking stand instead of having someone hold her. This is a much safer and more secure method.

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      Clean off the injection shot are the neck and the haunch. On goats with less fat opt for the haunch or hind end.

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      Insert the needle into your chosen injection site at a 45 degree angle. Once the needle is in, pull the plunger back to check if there is blood in the top of the syringe. If blood appears you have accidentally hit a vein. Remove the needle and try again in a different spot. Some drugs absolutely can not be given intravenously (in the vein).

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      Push the plunger in slowly until all the contents of the syringe are gone.

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      Remove the needle by pulling straight back.

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      Hold a clean cotton ball to the injection site. Blood should clot almost immediately.