How to Care for Pygmy Goats

Before you acquire the cute little pygmy goats that you want to raise, you need to know how to care for them. The following steps will help you make the final decision in your quest to bring these little guys onto your property and give them the proper care that they deserve.

Things You'll Need

  • Hard-wire brush
  • Livestock tattoo kit
  • Plywood and tools to build a raised platform
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      Build a fence to make a pen that will allow your pygmy goats to roam around freely. Use post and rail for the fence. Barbed wire can injure your goats.

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      Construct raised wood platforms under a shelter with a concrete floor. Pygmy goats can develop severe hoof problems if they don't have a raised, dry place to sleep.

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      Feed your pygmy goats plenty of hay and grain daily. Make sure there is plenty of clean water at all times for them to drink. If you can, plant a blackberry patch. Pygmy goats love blackberries.

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      Mark your pygmy goats with a tattoo on the inside of their ears. These are available at feed stores and are easy to use. This process will identify the goats as yours in case they get out and wander off your property.

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      Brush your pygmy goat with a hard-wire brush. Goats will tolerate a bath, much like a dog. This procedure will cut down on insect problems in the goat pen.