How do you get rid of flies on goats?


Prevention is the most effective method of controlling flies on goats. Here are some tips to prevent flies from becoming a problem:

* Keep your goat pen clean. Remove any manure, hay, or other debris that can attract flies.

* Use fly traps. Place fly traps around your goat pen. These traps can help reduce the number of flies in your area.

* Treat the goats. There are a variety of products that can be used to treat goats that are being bothered by flies.

* Feed less grain and more hay. Grain attracts flies, especially sweet feeds with molasses.


If you do find flies on your goats, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them:

* Use a fly spray. There are many fly sprays available for goats, both chemical and natural.

* Apply a fly repellent. Fly repellents can help keep flies away from your goats.

* Cover the goats. If possible, cover your goats with a fly sheet or blanket to protect them from flies.

Fly predators and beneficial insects

Ladybugs, praying mantises, dragonflies, and assassin bugs are all predators that eat flies. Lacewings, parasitic hymenoptera, beetles, and nematodes can help as well.