What are some uses for goats?

Goats provide products used by people around the world.

- Dairy products: Goats produce milk that can be made into yogurt, cheese, and other dairy products. Goat's milk is easier to digest than cow's milk and is often used by people who are lactose intolerant.

- Meat: Goat meat is a popular food in many cultures. It is a good source of protein, iron, and other nutrients.

- Fiber: Goats produce wool that can be used to make clothing, blankets, and other textiles. Goat wool is often softer and more durable than sheep's wool.

- Leather: Goat skin can be tanned and made into leather. Goat leather is often used to make shoes, gloves, and other accessories.

- Other products: Goats can also produce a variety of other products, including soap, fertilizer, and even paper.

Goats also provide services that benefit humans and the environment.

- Grazing: Goats are natural grazers and can help to maintain healthy ecosystems by clearing brush and preventing wildfires.

- Pest control: Goats can help to control pests by eating weeds, insects, and small rodents.

- Pack animals: Goats can be used to transport goods and people in rugged terrain.

- Companionship: Goats are intelligent and social animals that can make great companions for people of all ages.