Identitfy a culture that uses animal hair?

It's tricky to pinpoint just *one* culture as many cultures around the world use animal hair. Here are some examples highlighting various uses:

For Clothing and Accessories:

* Indigenous Peoples of the Americas: Many groups, like the Inuit, used fur from seals, caribou, and other animals for parkas, mittens, and boots, providing warmth in harsh climates.

* Mongolians: Historically known for their use of sheep's wool for clothing, felt yurts, and other items.

* Tibetans: Yak wool is prized for its warmth and used to make traditional clothing and blankets.

* Many African Tribes: Use animal hides and furs for clothing, blankets, and ceremonial garb.

For Tools and Crafts:

* Native American Tribes: Used animal hair for weaving baskets, making nets, and creating brushes.

* Ainu People of Japan: Used bear hair for bows and arrowheads.

* Inuit: Used seal sinew for sewing and making thread.

For Ritual and Symbolic Purposes:

* Many Indigenous Cultures: Use animal hair in ceremonial headdresses, masks, and decorations.

* Tibetans: Use yak hair in prayer flags.

* Native American Tribes: Utilize animal hair in sacred rituals and ceremonies.

It's important to note that the use of animal hair is often deeply connected to cultural traditions, beliefs, and ecological adaptation. It's not always a matter of simply using an available material, but a reflection of a people's understanding of their environment and their relationship with the animals they share it with.

To learn more about specific cultures and their use of animal hair, you can research specific groups or regions that interest you.