How to Groom a Suri Alpaca

Two types of alpaca are most prized for their downy, baby-soft fleece: the huacaya and suri breeds -- both well-known for being low-maintenance livestock. Debate in the alpaca rancher community is split between those who would keep grooming to a bare minimum to promote full fleecing and those who meticulously groom their animals for show dominance. Debate aside, there's a certain amount of hygeine your suri alpacas must be provided to ensure healthy animals and the best yields of fleece.

Things You'll Need

  • Large alpaca nail clippers
  • Shedding comb (for burring)
  • Shears
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      Inspect your alpaca regularly for ticks around the ears. Consult a veterinarian during what should be a monthly visit about ridding your suri alpaca of ticks.

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      Check each animal's coat as often as possible for burrs.

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      Remove the burrs with a shedding comb, most often used with horses. Don't overuse the brush or you could disrupt the natural intertwining of your alpaca's fleecing.

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      Trim your suri alpaca's nails monthly, avoiding the quicks which can be painful if cut. Use a partner to hold the animal still as you lift each hoof, starting with the front legs.

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      Shear your suri alpaca yearly, which should yield a mass of soft yet curly fleece to be used on everything from sweaters to teddy bears.