Mineral oil is used to tan animal hides. The animal hide is first fleshed to remove all meat from the skin, then soaked. After soaking, the skin is scraped again to remove any excess particles. Mineral oil is then applied evenly to the fur side with care taken not to let the mineral oil soak through. Mineral oil lubricates, seals and protects the fur.
Flea Extermination
Dunk fleas that jump from pet during treatment into mineral oil solution. Mineral oil is a safe alternative to chemical flea killers. To kill fleas with mineral oil, combine two cups water with 2 tbsp. dish soap and three-fourths cup mineral oil. Place the animal on a towel, paper or in a tub. Dip a fine-toothed flea comb into the mixture and comb through the pet's fur. Continue this process until the fur is saturated. Leave on for a few minutes and then rinse well. Repeat twice daily until fleas are eradicated.
Mineral oil contained in hairball remedies stops hairballs from forming. Some animals, particularly cats, suffer from hairballs. As they lick themselves clean, cats swallow fur, which usually passes through their digestive system with no problem. Occasionally some fur will remain in the stomach and as it accumulates and irritates the stomach the cat will eventually throw it up. Hairball remedies contain mineral oil, which helps move the excess hair out of the body.
Do not attempt to give an animal plain mineral oil. Animals can inhale the liquid oil during the treatment process, leading to dangerous respiratory complications.
Ear Mites
After treatment for ear mites, the animal may shake its head to clear the fluid from its ears. Ear mites feed off debris and fluids in the tissues and fur of an animal's ear, causing itching and irritation. Mineral oil quickly and easily removes these troublesome pests. Take the animal outside or into a small, easily cleaned area as this treatment can be slightly messy. Drip a few drops of mineral oil into each ear. Massage the base of the ear for a few seconds. Wipe the ears clean with cotton balls or a soft cloth.
Uses for Mineral Oil on Animal Fur
Mineral oil is a liquid byproduct of petroleum that has many uses. It cuts grease, shines wooden and metal surfaces and makes great candles. Mineral oil also is used to remove makeup and is the primary ingredient in baby oil. With such a wide variety of applications it is not surprising that mineral oil also has several uses for animal fur.