How to Sheer a Sheep

Sheep will grow their puffy, woolen coats continuously and if they are not shorn at least once a year, they will become very uncomfortable as a result of the weight and heat of the wool. Wool that is left unattended for long periods of time will grow out of control, forming undesirable mats, which make it harder to shear. For these reasons, it is important to shear sheep regularly to keep the wool from matting and to keep the animals comfortable.

Things You'll Need

  • Sheep shears
  • Shear oil
  • Hand clippers
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    • 1

      Lay the sheep down on its side, using its body weight to help you bring it down to the ground for shearing. Once on the ground, hoist the sheep so that you are holding its head between your knees and the sheep's underbelly is exposed for clipping.

    • 2

      Use the clippers to shear off the wool on the sheep's stomach. This wool is "incidental" wool and is not useful. Once you have clipped it off, place it in a pile to be discarded.

    • 3

      Move the sheep back onto his side, so that you are straddling his head to keep the neck down. This will give you access to the wool on the animal's side.

    • 4

      Turn on the clippers and begin shearing the sheep, starting at the edge of the stomach and working in rows down the animal's side.

    • 5

      Trim the entire side of the sheep, taking care around the shoulder area where the premium fleece is located. Also, trim up the sides of the sheep's neck, but leave the face unshorn.

    • 6

      Turn the sheep on its other side to access the other side and legs. When the sheep is standing, use a pair of hand shears to trim up the legs, hamstring area and hindquarters.