How to Care for Dairy Cow Horns

Many farmers decide to dehorn their dairy cows to ensure the safety of humans on the farm and to prevent the cows from injuring each other. However, dairy cows' horns have membranes that are associated with their digestive tracts and so it may be damaging to remove their horns. Dehorning can sometimes cause a cow's death. Caring for dairy cow horns is simple and ensures that you are maintaining humane practices towards the cows on your farm.

Things You'll Need

  • Soft cloth
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      Give your cattle lots of space between stalls to minimize the risk that they will accidentally damage each other with their horns. If you have beef cattle on your farm, it is especially important to keep them separate from horned dairy cattle so that they do not damage any of the meat.

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      Wash the dairy cows' horns regularly, at least once a month, using warm water and a soft cloth. Don't use soap or detergent.

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      Have a veterinarian regularly tip the dairy cows' horns. This does not harm the cow but is similar to humans trimming their fingernails or hair. Tipping ensures that the cows' horns will not overgrow or break.