Problems with the Hoofs in Donkeys

There are numerous hoof ailments that can afflict and disable a donkey, and its owner must care for its hoofs to ensure the animal's health. Donkeys are adapted to hard terrain, and their hoofs grow at a rate suited for lots of movement and consequential wear and tear. Both overgrowth and overwork can result in poor hoof health, and without constant maintenance, poorly cared-for hoofs can cause a donkey great pain.
  1. Seedy Toe

    • Seedy Toe is caused by an incorrectly shaped hoof capsule. It can be the result of either overgrowth or incorrect trimming. The condition can grow worse as the donkey places unideal pressure on the foot to compensate for pain, resulting in a declining condition. To alleviate seedy toe, a farrier must trim the hoof to its natural shape.


    • Cracking is normal in donkey hoofs, as it is with horses. With a soft material like horn tubules, breaking is bound to occur at some point. There are numerous fixes, including only employing corrective shoes, limiting the crack with a shear at its upper end, redirecting weight away from the crack with rubber pads, and even using implants like simple screws to repair the crack.


    • Founder occurs when the hoof deteriorates to the point where support is gone and the back of the hoof with the leg bone rests on the ground. This is very painful to the donkey, and the best cure is prevention. Keep to a strict, regimented diet to avoid weight gain, and watch for the founder stance, in which the donkey keeps its weight on its hind legs and rocks back and forth on its front legs.