How to Build a Goat Fitting Stand

Goat fitting stands can be used when you milk your goats, groom and trim them for show, treat them medically, trim their hooves or tag them for identification. You can attach a feed trough to the front outside of the stand to keep your goat pre-occupied while you are working with the animal.

Things You'll Need

  • 5 2-by-4's, each 8 feet long
  • ½-inch plywood, 2 feet by 4 feet
  • Screws
  • Drill
  • 2- by 4-foot rubber mat
  • Hook
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  1. Preparation

    • 1
      Cut all pieces before assembly.

      Cut two 2-by-4's 48 inches long to form the sides for platform. Put the label "A" on them

    • 2

      Cut two 2-by-4's 21 inches long. These will form the front and back of platform. Mark them "B."

    • 3

      Cut two 2-by-4's 24 inches long for the braces. Mark them "C."

    • 4

      Cut two 2-by-4's 12 inches long for the back legs on the stand. Mark these "D."

    • 5

      Cut two 2-by-4's 24 inches long for the front legs on the stand. Mark these "E."

    • 6

      Cut two 2-by-4's 48 inches long to serve as head slats. Mark these "F."

    • 7

      Cut four 2-by-4's 24 inches long to serve as braces for the head slats. Mark them "G."

    • 8
      Use plywood for the platform.

      Make sure the ½-inch plywood is 4 feet by 2 feet. Mark it "H."


    • 9
      Start by building the platform frame.

      Lay both "A's" and "B's" on edge in a rectangle, with "B" inside "A." Screw "A" and "B" together. Screw "C" 15 inches from "B," connecting "A's" together.

    • 10

      Screw "G" across the top of the frame made with "A" and "B." Secure a rubber mat on top of "G."

    • 11

      Screw "D's" to bottom-back of the platform in the corners.

    • 12

      Screw "E" to bottom-front of the platform in the corners.

    • 13
      Use a fitting stand when trimming your goat.

      Screw two "F's" loosely to front "B" 3 inches from outside of platform. These need to be able to open and close to secure the goat. Attach hook at top of "F's."