How to Remove Beggar's Lice From Fur

Beggar's lice are a variety of plants with prickly seeds that, when dried out, cling to fur, hair and clothing. If not removed promptly from a pet's fur, they can lead to knots and tangles that will eventually need to be cut or shaved out of the fur. You can remove beggar's lice from fur in a number of ways, but you'll need patience no matter which method you employ.

Things You'll Need

  • Gardening gloves
  • Fine-tooth comb
  • Olive oil
  • Blunt-tipped scissors
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    • 1

      Avoid bathing your pet before working out tangles of beggar's lice, as the water will shrink the area around the knot and make it more difficult to remove.

    • 2

      Wear gardening gloves and work the seeds out of the fur with your fingers. Gently roll them between your fingers to help loosen them before drawing them out of the fur.

    • 3

      Apply a tablespoon of olive oil to the base of the knot in the fur and work it into the tangle. The oil will help loosen the tangle as you work your fingers through the knot.

    • 4

      Comb through remaining seeds with a fine-tooth comb to draw them out of the fur. Start at the base of the knot and move in slow strokes, stopping when you meet resistance and starting over again until you are able to draw the seeds out.

    • 5

      Cut out difficult tangles of beggar's lice with blunt-tipped scissors. Cut them at the base of the fur, being careful not to snip the skin accidentally.

    • 6

      Take your time when working on knots, and reward your pet with treats and praise so the experience is not negative. If the tangles are severe, take frequent breaks.