How to Trim a Sheep's Hooves

When you own sheep, you have to make sure to trim their hooves on a regular basis. If a sheep's hooves become overgrown they collect dirt and manure, which can cause abnormalities, hoof rot and lameness. It can also become very painful for a sheep to walk because the hooves become uneven. Follow these steps to trim a sheep's hooves.


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      Restrain the sheep by placing him on his rear with his back against your legs. This will leave your hands free to trim the sheep's hooves.

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      Clean the dirt and feces from between his hooves. Use either the trimmers or a hoof pick. This makes it easier to see his nails when you trim his hooves.

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      Trim off the front of the hoof so it's level with the pad. Make your way around the hoof, cutting off the extra growth. Make sure not to cut too deeply. Start by cutting off just a little bit of the sheep's hooves at a time and stop as soon as you see pink.

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      Cut a little off the front tip. This will even out the toes helping to prevent lameness.

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      Take a little off the back pad of the hoof if it has been collecting dirt and manure. You may also need to trim the dew claws if they're getting so long that they're getting caught on things.