Can i butcher a cow with high temperature?

It is not safe or advisable to butcher a cow with high temperature. Here's why:

1. Foodborne Illness Risk: High temperatures make it difficult to keep the meat safe from bacterial contamination. Bacteria grow rapidly in warm environments, and improper handling or storage can lead to foodborne illnesses for those consuming the meat.

2. Meat Quality: Butching a cow with high temperature can adversely affect the quality of the meat. The increased temperature causes the meat to lose its natural moisture rapidly, making it dry and less flavorful. Additionally, enzymes and proteins in the meat can denature, altering the overall taste and texture.

3. Sanitation Issues: High temperatures make it challenging to maintain the necessary sanitary conditions required for proper butchering. The environment becomes more conducive to bacterial growth, making it more difficult to keep the meat and equipment clean.

4. Work Safety: Butchering a cow with high temperature can pose safety risks to the individuals involved. The combination of warm conditions, the physical exertion required for butchering, and the risk of heat-related illnesses can compromise the well-being of those performing the task.

For all these reasons, it is recommended to butcher a cow at cooler temperatures to ensure food safety, maintain meat quality, follow sanitary practices, and protect the individuals performing the butchering.