Do pigs eat grass or plants?

Pigs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. While they are known for rooting around in the mud and eating things like worms and insects, they also enjoy eating plants, including:

* Grasses: Pigs will graze on grasses, especially when they're young and tender.

* Roots: They will dig up roots like potatoes and turnips.

* Fruits and vegetables: They love to eat fruits like apples and berries, as well as vegetables like carrots and cucumbers.

* Leaves: They will eat leaves, especially those from trees like oak and maple.

However, it's important to note that pigs don't rely solely on plants for their diet. They need to eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients they need.

So, while pigs do eat grass and plants, their diet is more diverse than just those things.