What is the number of breeds pigs?

There's no single, definitive answer to how many pig breeds exist worldwide. Here's why:

* No Central Registry: There's no global organization that officially registers and counts all pig breeds.

* Breed Recognition Varies: Different countries and organizations have their own criteria for recognizing a breed, so what's considered a breed in one place might not be in another.

* Regional Breeds: Many pig breeds are developed locally, with specific characteristics suited to their environment. This leads to numerous, often small, populations that may not be widely recognized.


* FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations): Estimates there are around 700 recognized pig breeds globally.

* Other Sources: Other sources put the number closer to 1000, but again, these are just estimates.

To give you a better idea of the variety:

* Commercial Breeds: A few breeds, like Duroc, Yorkshire, and Hampshire, dominate commercial pig production worldwide.

* Heritage Breeds: These are older, often smaller breeds that were once more common but have been replaced by commercial breeds. They are increasingly being raised for their unique flavor, meat quality, and genetic diversity.

So, while a precise number is hard to come by, it's safe to say there are hundreds, if not thousands, of pig breeds around the world!