How to Train Pot Belly Piglets

Pot belly piglets have become quite popular over the years, resulting in many people keeping them as pets in their homes. These piglets have traits such as cleanliness, friendly disposition and intelligence. Training your pot belly piglets can bring out the best traits in them. With patience and the right techniques, you can easily train your pot belly piglets, while enjoying the many benefits.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter box
  • Toys
  • Treats
  • Food
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      Potty train your pot belly piglets by using similar techniques as you would for puppies. Choose a litter box that is large enough for the piglet to turn around in. Place the litter box in a small area of a room. Put your pot belly piglet into the litter box after breakfast, after dinner and before bedtime. Some piglets can be potty trained within days.

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      Teach your pot belly piglets to fetch things. Choose toys such as a Frisbee or a ball. Tape a treat onto the toy of your choice. Let your pig smell the toy, then throw it. Use a command such as "go fetch" if your pig doesn't go after the toy. Reward your piglet with a treat, and then repeat again as needed.

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      Train your piglet to beg. Hold food a few inches above your pot belly piglet's head until he lifts his front feet off the ground. Give him the food when he does this, and offer him praise. Repeat this technique a few minutes each day until your piglet can do it with little effort.