How to Raise Hogs on Pasture for Profit

Raising hogs on pasture is a seasonal experience. A farmer with an abundance of land can use this method to save money and increase income. There is quick payback when you start with piglets 6 to 8 weeks old. These are called weaners. When a weaner is 6 to 8 months old, it is ready for resale --- usually at a handsome profit. Hogs that are pastured are easy to care for since four weaners only need one-fifth of an acre upon which to graze.

Things You'll Need

  • Pasture
  • Food supplier
  • Trough
  • Water bowls
  • Electric fencing
  • Weaners
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      There are numerous breeds of hogs.

      Select the kind of hogs and number of hogs you want to raise. This decision is going to be based on how much land you have available to pasture the hogs.

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      Locate a food supplier that meets the nutritional needs of your hogs. It is best to select a local food supplier. If you want to raise organic hogs, make sure the food supplier sells organic feed.

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      Set up your equipment before you purchase the first hog. Troughs, water bowls and electric fencing all need to be installed before a hog can be pastured. Building a structure to protect the hogs from inclement weather also is necessary.

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      Farmers often sell weaners as starter pigs.

      Ask around to see if there is a farmer who has weaners for sale. If you want to have breeding stock, when purchasing weaners select a healthy male and female to mate.

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      Create a system of feeding and watering twice a day. Routine is important for raising healthy hogs for profit. Once the sod in one area is rooted up, grass-fed hogs must be rotated to another pasture.