How to Put Weight on a Hog Fast

Exercise, diet and health conditions can all conspire against you to keep your swine thin. Adjusting the surroundings of the pig, along with its diet, can help it put on weight. Other times it may require a visit to the veterinarian to determine if there are health factors keeping your pig skinny. Regardless, it is never too late to plump up your pig. Make some lifestyle adjustment and it will pack on the pounds quickly.

Things You'll Need

  • Pig feed
  • Protein supplement
  • Milk replacer
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • Feed pan
  • Water dish
  • Water
  • Eggs
  • Shed
  • Scale
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      Ask a veterinarian to examine your pig for any health issues that may influence its weight gain. If you do not catch the problem early, it may permanently stunt the growth of your pig.

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      Mix a high protein pig feed with a liquid protein supplement. Cover the whole dish with milk replacer and a 1/4 cup of vegetable oil. Stop using the liquid protein supplement once your pig reaches 250 pounds, or it may start forming fat from the extra protein.

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      Set the pig's food dish in a shady area, close to where the pig sleeps. This reduces the distance the pig must travel for nutrients. Keep the food dish full throughout the day, so the pig can eat whenever it wants.

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      Replenish your pig's water daily. Place its water dish next to the food dish. Water promotes healthy a metabolism, and is arguably the most important aspect of bulking up your pig.

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      Crack two eggs onto the pig feed every other day. The extra protein will help build bulk.

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      Confine your pig to a 6-foot wide, shaded enclosure for 11 hours of the day. This reduces the amount of exercise your pig receives daily, allowing it to gain weight instead of burning it off. It is important that the pig remain in the shade as well, to prevent heat exhaustion.

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      Weigh your pig once a week, at the same time. This helps you monitor the weight gain and allows you to adjust their diet, once they reach certain benchmarks. (see the first reference below)