How to Calculate Swine Feed for Weight Gain

Hogs reach a market weight of about 240 pounds at 5 to 6 months of age. The newborn pigs nurse the sow for approximately 6 weeks. After weaning, the pigs gain about 200 pounds during the 3 to 4 month growing period. Pigs have a simple stomach digestive tract and consume a diet high in carbohydrates. For optimal weight gain, pigs are fed balanced diets with sufficient amounts of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.


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      Purchase healthy, muscular, weaner pigs from meat-producing stock. Weaner pigs are 5 to 8 weeks of age and weigh 20 to 40 pounds. Feed weaner pigs a starter ration with 18% to 20% protein. Weaner pigs consume 1 pound of feed per day and have an average daily gain of about .9 pounds.

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      Feed a pig grower ration to feeder pigs weighing 40 to 125 pounds. Grower rations consist of a carbohydrate such as corn or barley and a protein supplement such as soybean meal. The protein content is 16%. Minerals and vitamins are added to the ration. Grower pigs eat an average of 4 to 5 pounds of grower ration per day and have an average daily gain of about 1.5 pounds.

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      Feed a hog finisher ration to pigs weighing 125 to 240 pounds. The ration has a 13% to 14% protein content and consists primarily of cereal grains and a protein supplement. Hogs on a finishing ration consume about 7 pounds of feed per day and gain an average of 1.8 pounds per day.

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      Weigh the pigs at regular intervals to determine if the pigs are gaining sufficient weight. Adjust the feed consumption upward if the gains are not as expected. Market the hogs when they reach a weight of 220 to 260 pounds.

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      Worm the pigs regularly and provide vaccinations as recommended by a local veterinarian. Parasites and diseases reduce the weight gain. Provide fresh water and a comfortable environment at all times. Many swine producers prefer a self-feeding program in which the pigs have constant access to feed.