How to Raise Piglets

Whether you are considering raising piglets for profit or just as pets on the farm, there are several factors that you will need to take into account. By following a few simple steps, you will be able to ensure that your piglets grow into strong and healthy adult pigs.

Things You'll Need

  • Structured housing or shelter
  • Hay
  • Feed
  • Water
  • Feeding trough
  • Water trough
  • Wood chips
  • Water filter
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    • 1
      Piglets need a solid housing structure.

      Obtain a solid housing or shelter structure for pigs. Farm supply stores carry pig housing called "arcs" that work very well for this. You will also need to put down wood chips inside the arc for the pigs to sleep on.

    • 2
      Be sure to keep plenty of hay on hand.

      Provide hay for nesting purposes. Despite their depiction in popular culture, pigs are actually very clean animals. Nesting is part of a pig's natural instinct, so it is important to make sure to keep plenty of clean hay on hand.

    • 3
      You will want to set up adequate fencing to keep your pigs secure.

      Secure the fencing. When pigs go outside of their housing area, they will need to be fenced in order to ensure that they do not wander off. It is in their nature to explore and root.

    • 4
      Growing pigs will need plenty of feed.

      Provide feed in a clean and sturdy feeding trough. Two growing pigs will go through a 50-pound bag in about a week. Pig feed can be found at most farm supply stores.

    • 5
      A clean water source is crucial to the health of growing pigs.

      Provide filtered water. Pigs will need access to plenty of clean water. Using a water filter is worth the investment to ensure healthy pigs.