Can Pigs Eat Shelled Corn?

A balanced diet for pigs includes high energy and protein sources. According to an Iowa State publication entitled, "Feedstuffs for Pigs," shelled corn is one of the major energy sources for pigs.
  1. Function

    • Farmers feed pigs shelled corn to fatten them up quickly in order to eat or sell them.


    • Shelled corn is rich in digestible carbohydrates, low in fiber and it is inexpensive, according to

    Types of Corn

    • Feed corn is available in both ground and shelled form.


    • According to the Journal of Animal Science, feeding pigs shelled corn saves money since grinding costs are eliminated. However, in the "Feeds and Feeding" handbook written by W.A. Henry, professor of agriculture at the University of Wisconsin, pigs tend to eat more corn when it is ground thus gaining weight more rapidly.


    • It is not healthy to raise a pig on shelled corn alone. Pigs need a combination of high energy, low fiber and protein-rich foods in order to grow efficiently, according to