Things You'll Need
- Hog squeeze shoot or catch pole
- Hog ring pliers
- Six hog rings
- Antibiotic cream
- Blood stop
Catch your hog by running it into a hog shoot and closing the squeeze bar. You can also use a hog catch pole by looping the rope from the pole through its mouth and around its upper jaw. The most important part in placing hog rings in your pig̵7;s nose is good restraint.
Open the nose ring pliers and find the groove in the mouth of the pliers. Take one hog ring and place it in that groove. Grip the handle of the pliers with enough pressure to hold the ring in place, but not enough to bend the ring. Place a dab of antibiotic cream on each point of the nose ring.
Start with the right nostril. Position the ring on the outside edge of the hog̵7;s snout. Place the ring on the outer nostril, not between the two nostrils. Hold the pliers straight so the two points of the ring will pierce the nostril and meet in the middle. Give the pliers a quick hard squeeze and the ring will pierce through the nostril. Release the ring. Repeat this procedure and place two more rings in the same side 1/2 inch apart.
Place three more rings in the left nostril of the pig. There should be little bleeding if any. If your pig does bleed, sprinkle a little blood stop powder over the wound.