How to Potty Train a Pig

Unless your pig is confined to your house for long periods of time, it should go outside to potty. This is not always possible, because many pig owners work away from their homes all day. Also, many pigs like to go potty most often at night, when you aren't awake to take your pig outside. Therefore, using a combination of outdoor and indoor potty training is the best strategy. You'll be pleased to know that with the right technique, you can potty train your pig in as little as one to five days.

Things You'll Need

  • Shallow litter box
  • Pine shavings or newspaper
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      Purchase a shallow litter box that is large enough for you pig to turn around in. Cat litter boxes are usually too deep for pigs to climb into and out of, so try using a plastic sweater box or a pan used for draining water heaters.

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      Fill the litter pan with pine shavings or line it with newspaper. Never use clumping cat litter, because your pig might eat it. Also, don't use cedar shavings, because the oils are harmful to your pig.

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      Place the litter pan in a small, confined and private area in your house. Don't place the litter next to where the pig sleeps, because pigs won't go potty near their bed. While potty training, keep your pig confined to the area where its litter is located.

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      Leave at least one pile of feces in the litter pan. Do not clean the litter too often while potty training your pig. The scent of the feces will remind your pig where it's supposed to go.

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      Walk your pig over to the litter box every two hours at the same times each day. Alternate litter pan trips with outdoor potty trips. Praise your pig every time it uses the litter, but don't reward with food. This will only confuse your pig and alter its natural behaviors.

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      Confine your pig to the litter area and don't allow it to roam throughout the house until it is at least six months old. Younger pigs do not yet have complete control over their bodily functions, so they need to stay close to the litter at all times until they're completely potty trained.