How to Clip a Pig's Ears

A common practice among pig farmers is ear clipping or notching. Putting clip marks in the pig's ears helps farmers to identify specific pigs on their farm. If you choose to use this method on your pigs, it is important to be cautious and do it properly.

Things You'll Need

  • Pig ear notcher
  • Alcohol or numbing antiseptic
  • Cotton balls
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      Make sure your pig's ears are cleaned and free of dirt and wax. Using a cotton ball, rub alcohol or a numbing antiseptic all over the pig's ears.

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      Holding the pig's ear up in one hand, place it in the notcher. This is done similarly to how you would use a hole puncher on paper. Clamp down the notcher. Make the notch as big as the notcher will allow. Otherwise, it might heal and you will have to do it over.

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      Repeat the process as necessary to make as many notches as you need to identify your pig. Make sure to keep all notches at least 1/4th of an inch apart and do not add more than is necessary.

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      Pay close attention to the pig in the days after clipping to make sure bleeding or infection does not occur. It may be necessary to cauterize the spots where the pig has been clipped if bleeding does not stop.