How to Fatten a Pig

If you want your pig to win first prize at the local fair, or you're just fattening the animal for his future as a slab of bacon, it takes more than just the right diet to hit and maintain that ideal weight. Continual care, starting before the pig's birth, is key.


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      Take care of the sow or mother pig. If she's healthy, she's more likely to have pigs with standard birth weights. Ideally this weight is between two and three pounds.

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      Provide a healthy environment for the newborn pig to increase his chances of survival. Keep the bedding clean around the sow and her piglets. Provide heat through heat lamps if the weather is chilly. Feed the sow the proper ration of food while she is lactating and make sure she has plenty of fresh water.

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      Begin feeding the baby pig pellets at an early age. To encourage him to eat, many pig starter pellets contain an appetizing flavoring, such as chocolate.

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      Wean the pig from the sow at approximately three weeks of age. Feed him feeder pig supplement and a mix of ground corn and bean meal. You can buy corn and bean meal premix or you can mix your own. Increase the amount of feed as the pig grows.

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      Keep the pig current with his shots, especially iron shots. It is important to keep the pig dewormed. If there are any other health issues within the pig herd, follow your veterinarian's recommendations for treatment and maintenance.

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      Allow time for the pig to grow. Ideally a pig should gain 1¾ pounds per day. Typical slaughter weight is at least 260 pounds and most healthy pigs reach that weight within five months.