How to Catch Feral Pigs

Catching feral pigs such as wild hogs can be a dangerous sport, since these animals can be fierce, strong and quick. Whether you're looking to capture feral pigs for domestication or merely for the meat, you'll need to set up the right trap and use the right bait.

Things You'll Need

  • Corn or other types of grain
  • Pig feeders
  • Pig traps
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      Catch feral pigs by finding their nesting grounds and determining their feeding patterns. Feral pigs wake up early every morning and hunt for food along familiar pathways, only to return to their homes in the late afternoon along the same paths. Your best bet for coming in contact with feral pigs is to track these migrations and to set up your traps in these high-traffic locations.

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      Distract feral pigs from their normal feeding patterns by setting up pig feeders in positions that will facilitate capture. Fill the feeders with corn and other grains that will attract feral pigs. Allow the animals to eat from the feeders for at least a few days so that they become comfortable and dependent upon the new food source.

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      Set up pig traps or enclosures in positions close to the feeders. These traps can be either small fenced enclosures or cages that are completely open on one end, with some sort of gate or door that can be opened or closed. Leave these traps in position, with the doors or gates opened, until the pigs are comfortable with their existence, too.

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      Place the feeders inside the traps and wait for the pigs to enter the enclosures to eat. Once the animals are comfortable with this arrangement, you will be able to sneak from behind to close the gate or door and capture the feral pig.

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      Use online resources, such as the website for Vittetoe, to purchase feeders used to catch feral pigs (see Resources below). These resources also carry most of the supplies you will need to domesticate and care for these animals.