How to Get a Pig Ready for a Show

Most show pigs appear in open class shows or at 4-H fairs. Pigs should be trained for several months before the show to ensure they are obedient. Remember to register the pig for the show according to the animal's breed and weight class.


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      Put your pig on a well-balanced diet to maintain a good weight. This is important to keep the pig's muscles lean, which is an important judging criteria. Start weighing your pig one month prior to the show to make sure he is in the right weight class.

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      Practice walking the pig in a mock arena. Lightly tap the pig with a cane, whip or baton on the front underarm area or the back thigh. This will lead the pig to the appropriate spots in the ring. Never strike the pig with enough force to hurt it. The idea is to nudge.

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      Groom the pig several days before the show. Shave the pig's hair to accentuate the muscles. If you're showing the pig at a 4-H event, skip this step.

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      Gather supplies for a tack box to use at the show. This should include soap, brushes, feed, feed pans, water pans and a cane, whip or baton.

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      Transport the pig to the show arena in a trailer. Make sure the animal doesn't overheat and stays calm. If the weather is warm, travel late at night or in the early morning to avoid the heat.

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      Bathe the pig in a wash stall. Use soap and water to remove dirt. Also use a brush to comb the pig's hair. Brush down on the sides and from head to tail on the top of his back.

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      Apply oil to the pig or mist him with water right before the show. Do this in the holding pen to further define the pig's muscles.