How to Transport Pigs

Transporting pigs can be a delicate process and requires planning and foresight. With the farming industry reporting that over 1 million pigs die every year in transport, it is more important than ever to do it properly.

Things You'll Need

  • Truck of adequate size.
  • Light and/or wooden pallet.
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      Find the right truck. The conditions on the truck are vital for safe transport. Never overload and check that the pigs have enough space to lie down without being on top of each other.

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      Prepare the pigs. Pigs can suffer from motion sickness and other travel related illnesses. Minimize the risk by stopping feeding between 16 and 24 hours prior to travel. Allow the pigs necessary drinking water and give them fluids immediately before and after the transport.

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      Entice them in. Never force pigs into any area by pushing and shoving. Use lights inside the trailer and/or walk with a wooden pallet to coerce them in small groups into the prepared space. Ensure that the ramp angle is not too steep and that the truck has non-slip flooring to prevent falls while moving.

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      Do some seasonal planning. If transporting pigs in summer, put wet shavings onto the bed of the truck to keep cool. Sprinkle the pigs with water after loading and avoid long journeys in extreme heat. In winter months, put a thick layer of straw and shavings into the truck to insulate as much as possible. Try to avoid traveling in snowy and icy conditions.

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      Drive with care. Allow plenty of time for your journey and drive at a consistent speed throughout. Avoid sudden stops and starts and take care when approaching bends.