How to Feed Your Pig

A healthy, happy show pig needs nutritious food regularly. Choose a feed that's high in energy (corn), low in fiber (cellulose) and supplemented with protein.

Things You'll Need

  • Feed Bucket Holders
  • Feed Buckets
  • Pig Dusting Powders
  • Pig Finishing Feeds
  • Pig Starter Feeds
  • Straws
  • Animal Water Buckets
  • Wood Shavings
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      Ask your veterinarian what type of feed is best for your particular breed of pig.

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      Feed your pig at least once a day, twice a day for maximum weight gain.

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      Give the entire amount of feed your pig will eat at one time. The amount will increase as your pig increases in size and age.

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      Provide your pig with a starter feed if he's under 125 lbs.

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      Feed finishing feed to pigs over 125 lbs.

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      Check with the feed manufacturer about any antibacterial compounds added to feed. This type of feed will need to be removed from your pig's diet prior to slaughter for the listed withdrawal time.

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      Remember to provide fresh water at all times. One-half to two-thirds of a pig's body is made up of water.