What is boar suede?

Boar Suede

Boar Suede Leather is genuine suede that is made from the hide of a hog/pig; typically from a wild board pig. However today boar suede hides may come from either male or female pig sources; domestic or undomesticated varieties. This material provides a unique luxurious suede because of several qualities, including:

• Its soft suede textures and velvety nap give the pig suede material a classic rich feel of true suede in comparison to more inexpensive split suedes;

• The wild or farm-raised boar skin possesses naturally strong characteristics as its raised in rugged environment and its thicker natural grain allows to endure more;

• There will be less need for heavy chemical additives due to boar suedes innate natural beauty thus making boar hide suede generally more hypoallergenic to the body