Why bulling is no good?

Bullying is never okay. It can have devastating effects on the victim, both physically and emotionally. Victims of bullying may experience:

- Physical injuries, such as cuts, bruises, and broken bones.

- Emotional problems, such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem.

- Social problems, such as difficulty making friends and keeping relationships.

- Academic problems, such as difficulty concentrating and falling behind in school.

Bullying can also lead to more serious problems, such as suicide. In fact, suicide is the third leading cause of death for teenagers in the United States.

Why do people bully?

There are many reasons why people bully others. Some bullies are motivated by insecurity. They may feel bad about themselves, so they try to make others feel bad too. Other bullies are motivated by power. They enjoy feeling like they have control over others. Still other bullies are motivated by prejudice. They may believe that certain people are inferior to them, so they treat them badly.

What can you do if you are being bullied?

If you are being bullied, there are a number of things you can do to stop the bullying. You can:

- Tell a trusted adult, such as a parent, teacher, or guidance counselor.

- Report the bullying to your school administration.

- Stand up to the bully, but only if you feel safe doing so.

- Avoid the bully, as much as possible.

- Be kind to yourself and surround yourself with positive people.

If you are thinking about suicide, please know that there is help available. You can call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or visit their website at www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org.

Remember, you are not alone. If you are being bullied, there are people who care about you and want to help you stop the bullying.