Recently My Female Guinea Pig Keeps Making A Burrow Underneath The Hay That Is In Her Cage This Normal?

Yes, it is normal for a female guinea pig to make a burrow underneath the hay in her cage. Female guinea pigs do so for nesting and as part of their normal burrowing behavior.

Burrowing Behavior:

Guinea pigs instinctively seek burrows for protection, security, comfort, and a place to rest and give birth. Tunnels under vegetation resemble their native habitat's burrows.

Hay is soft and comfortable and retains heat for insulation and warmth, making it suitable for making nests and burrows within their enclosure. This natural behavior doesn't indicate any issues, as long as she has ample fresh hay to burrow into without compromising cleanliness, space, or her overall well-being. Providing guinea pigs with an adequate amount of hay also supports dental health, digestive function, and general well-being.